A little christmas gift :

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A little christmas gift :

Message par smiticks42 » 25 déc. 2020 10:49

2020 bloody 2020 … very sad year for many of us. So I figured a little fantasy wouldn't hurt to start the new year.

This is why I propose you a ride a little bit original both by the route and by the «boat».

St Gilles (Reunion Island) - Ouessant via the Suez Canal; Our means of locomotion will be a whale !!

For those who do not know the whale here it is :


To be more in line with our platform, the initial polars have a coefficient of 0.75 but don't worry, it's pulsing !!

Our dear whale has only two «sails», fir and star with graduations very atypical and that is what makes its charm :mrgreen:

I will say it again, this is a ride for fun and to change the usual standards.

I hope you enjoy it and that many of you will participate, and it doesn’t matter if you finish on the podium or twentieth or fiftieth, the goal is to have fun..

Fair winds everyone

The race will be online very soon for a start on January the 3.

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Re: A little christmas gift :

Message par Coromandel » 25 déc. 2020 11:30

Great to see the Whale appear on the screen again André. I left my whale in San Diego on the last LiveSkipper whale race. Need to pick it up first. Should be a good laugh taking the Suez Canal with this monster.


Merry Christmas

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Inscription : 22 août 2019 10:15
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Re: A little christmas gift :

Message par limelight » 25 déc. 2020 23:45

75 knots top speed!!! Better than my Imoca foil in the VG2020. I just can't get her past 20 knots.
Check https://madinstro.net/rg/ for handy navigation tools.

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Messages : 740
Inscription : 22 août 2019 10:15
Localisation : Melbourne, Australia
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Re: A little christmas gift :

Message par limelight » 26 déc. 2020 00:25

The VMC/VMG calculators for the Whale 2020 have been added to my calculaors.
Check https://madinstro.net/rg/ for handy navigation tools.


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