Leg 1 : Lorient - Safi

Modérateurs : Admin anglais, Admin bis

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Leg 1 : Lorient - Safi

Message par wineblood » 27 avr. 2016 13:44

Here we go !
Let's start a new World Week Race, friday 29th of april at 20h00 UTC+2

CAREFULL ! : From now, the programmations before 20h01 are not agreed !
To start, just put sail ans direction between 18h30 and 20h00, the projection will be good for
programming your night


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Re: Leg 1 : Lorient - Safi

Message par wineblood » 01 mai 2016 12:34

We had a problem this morning, the boats were stopped for 70 mn.
So the race won't enter in the ranking and will be re-race next friday.
We apologize so much.
Maybe the finish line will change, it depends of the winds conditions.
Thanks for understanding

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Re: Leg 1 : Lorient - Safi

Message par blzblz » 02 mai 2016 10:57

Hi all
Finally, after talking with everybody, and as the rankings had not changed that much, we have decided that this weekrace will be validated for the overall ranking.
Once again, we apologize for this little problem.
Please remember there are humans behind the game interface, and these humans work (even on the 1st of May) to make the game better and better.
But as regular humans, they have their little weaknesses and commit sometimes some errors.
When this occurs, we try to fix the error as soon as possible, and decide together to cancel or not the race, depending on the consequences of the error.
Thank you for your understanding...


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