Registration form

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Registration form

Message par smiticks42 » 20 oct. 2019 22:43

A new button has been implemented on the race interface to give you access to a registration form for the RG 2020 rally

"As part of the organization of the next RG gathering in May, please fill in the above sections, indicating in particular the number of nights you would spend on the chosen site, and your means of transport (carpooling possible or not, train etc...). The "various" frame is there to allow you to present any particular case or request. Please respond quickly"

You will be able to see a return of the persons who have already replied to this address: ... edit#gid=0

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Re: Registration form

Message par smiticks42 » 28 oct. 2019 21:36

Some informations about the inscriptions:

We currently have 13 players representing 16 people.
The most requested date for the moment is the week end 1/3 May

You will find all the details at the following address ... edit#gid=0

Registrations will be closed on Monday 4th November in the evening.

A small precision, it is not mandatory to register for a period of 3 days / 2nuits, we can register for a shorter period and even for a single meal by specifying all this in the various area ...

From then on, we will look for an accommodation adapted to the number of participants and this in order to have a good time.
As soon as we know the place we will let you know.

Valérie, mAKi, and I are at your disposal for any further information

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Inscription : 14 déc. 2016 10:40
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Re: Registration form

Message par smiticks42 » 17 avr. 2020 16:34


Depending on the current health situation in France, the Regattagame gathering scheduled from 29 May to 1 June 2020 in St Georges d'Hutrières is cancelled.

Depending on the evolution of the health situation we will propose one or more dates to find us .


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